Posts Tagged ‘creativity’

January, thanks so much for being with me today. You’ve had quit an exciting few weeks with the release of your first novel, FOREVER MAN. At the end of the interview readers will get a chance to win a free copy, but more on that later. We all want to know more about the novel, […]

A few years ago on my journey to become an author I decided to boldly claim the dream.  In those casual conversations we all have, at a party in the neighborhood, in a grocery store line, in a barber chair with a guy wielding sharp scissors standing over me, as my dog does 360’s around […]

Seems like everyone puts out a book trailer for their novels these days, so I decided I’d add a trailer to my promotion plan.  First step — gather all of my Hollywood insiders to put together an incredible team of producers, directors, videographers, all the way to a caterer using only locally sourced, organically grown […]

With the publication of TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, a phenomenon has occurred which I suppose I should have expected and yet, I feel surprised.  I have written in one form or another for years.  Those first short stories I read during “show and tell” in Mrs. Meredeth’s third grade class, my bitingly witty (to a 13 year […]

I want to thank Cathy Coburn and Duaine Neill for joining me today.  These writing partners have an adventurous streak — zip lining, scuba diving and oh yes, doing jumps in four wheelers off sand dunes!  When they aren’t risking life and limb, they’re writing.  Their novel AFTER THE MIST released by Champagne Books is […]

I just got back from the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. “Just got back” is a bit of a stretch, since the conference happened in Seattle, just a quick twenty minute commute from my house.  Writers gravitate to these conferences for a number of reasons: to see colleagues and be with other writers, to attend workshops […]

I want to welcome Brian Braden to the blog today. Now retired from the military, he served as an officer in intelligence and as a combat helicopter pilot. In addition, he’s been a corporate executive and a freelance columnist featured in defense publications including Military Times and Air Power Journal. Brian and I know each […]

I’m excited to have Angelica Hart and Zi in the blog house for an interview.  To say these two authors combined, have been prolific, is a bit of an understatement.  Between them they have thirty seven titles published and over five hundred shorts in various magazines and newspapers.  And the awards! EPPIE finalist for three […]

When writing a scene I also work to bring the tension up.  Falling off a curb and spraining an ankle?  How about falling off a cliff and breaking your back? You get the idea.  But I’ve also found that I have to use some judgement about how far I take things or they begin to […]

Read a story today about the author of Ready Player One, Arthur Cline, is giving a prize away for any reader who can find a clue in his novel, then successfully navigate three challenges in an online video game at a specific web address. The contest sounds kind of cool. Much more skill based than […]